Jogging what is the right approach for the beginner

Jogging, what is the right approach for the beginner

After the binges of the holiday season, to get in shape, many people may decide to getting started in jogging. Remember that before starting physical activity, warming up is essential to avoid unpleasant injuries.

How to start jogging

Jogging is an easy sport that anyone can start practically anywhere.

But if you are a beginner, how you can start running without having breath problems or hip twinges?

The first thing to do is to get a pair of comfortable running shoes (you can get advice in sportswear stores based on the morphology of your foot) and practical clothing (better to absorb sweat when running).

Once you get all the “equipment” you need to get started, it is important to Set a running goal to achieve: better be a realistic goal and don’t overdo it.

Basically, jogging consists of running, but it is important not to run too fast at first (so as not to get out of breath): the pace should be such that a conversation with an interlocutor is possible.

During the first week

During the first week, for example, you can start with 1 minute of light running alternating with 2 minutes of soft walking for about 9-10 times (to get to 30 minutes of training).

Gradually you can increase the minutes of light running and those of walking.

To get your body used to the effort, it is best to jog every other day with about two or three workouts a week.

Gradually, after about 2 months of training, you will be able to sustain about 45 minutes of light jogging a day (for 3 days a week).

And after 10 months of gradual training, you will be able to get up to an hour of running without special effort.

Another tip for jogging beginners is to drink enough: important, however, is not to drink too much before training.

In case you experience cramps, dizziness or discomfort while running, it means you need to drink and rehydrate.