Cisterna di Latina – Health, Della Penna “Cisterna penalized, unsustainable situation”

Cisterna di Latina – Health, Della Penna: “Cisterna penalized, unsustainable situation.”

On the issue of Health Care in Cisterna, Mayor Eleonora Della Penna intervenes on the situation that is taking on the features of a real emergency, after the serious events that occurred at the first aid station against the staff on duty.

“The situation in Cisterna is no longer sustainable,” thunders the mayor, “we have denounced it many times. The ad hoc city council for the health issue was one of the first acts of my administration, and there we had shared with all the city’s political forces and in the presence of then-director Caporossi, a document specifying the urgent needs of our territory in the health field. Asl and Lazio Region, therefore, know the needs of Cisterna but for now they are reorganizing territorial health services without taking into account what we have pointed out.

That is why in recent days we have asked for another meeting with the Asl leadership to discuss issues that can no longer be postponed.”.

Problems at the first aid station are mainly due to the lack of staff, but also from the structure that fails to meet the needs of citizens and protect their safety.

“If the Ucpci in the Valentine’s district remains, without a doubt, a feather in the cap for local health care,” Della Penna continued – one cannot overlook the organizational state in which the First Aid Point finds itself, which, to be fair, also in view of the volume of patients who, day and night, turn to the facility (more than fourteen thousand annually), should be called by the name it deserves: Emergency Room.

The points that the City Council wanted to reiterate to manager Caporossi – still valid despite the numerous meetings held between the undersigned and the summits of the Pontine health care and despite the numerous reassurances and promises of intervention received even by the shortest means – speak among other things of a ‘general reconnaissance of the health personnel deployed in the territory aimed at reorganization and increase of operators within the services’.

It is quite evident that today the six nursing units that on a rotating basis (vacations and sickness permitting making use, for only one of the three daily shifts, of the contribution of an auxiliary employee, when available) guarantee assistance to the doctor on duty, are no longer sufficient to guarantee an adequate service to the citizens of Cisterna and the entire district.

It is inconvenient, to say the least, and undoubtedly poorly functional for medical or nursing staff to have to divide their time during their shifts between receiving patients and emergency surgeries that in crowded cases have to be suspended even if only to open the door and make room for other emergencies.

If we then add to this the fact that the Emergency Room remains, in many cases, also a point of reference for disadvantaged people or those with drug problems, it is quite clear that there is a need that can no longer be postponed to assign additional adequately trained personnel who can guarantee the right level of safety within the facility. This is for the protection of physicians, nurses but also citizens who come to the emergency department to seek care.

For these reasons, and to talk about all further issues related to the reorganization of health care in the territory, including evaluating new hypotheses for the location of the on-call service, we asked the ASL for a meeting to urge the beginning of decisive interventions.”.