Breast Reconstruction, Longo (P. Torvergata Rome): “ IMPORTANT AFTER CUVER FOR ARM-SHOURDER MOVOGns ”

“ Reconstructive Surgery After Breast Cancer Treatment Has a Demstrable Impact On Arm and Shouder Postural Function ”. The conclusion comes from a recent study conducted at the ’ u.S. University of Saskatchewan, by Researchers Angelica Lang (Ph.D.) and Soo Kim (Ph.D.), Co-Authors of the ’ Articles, Published in PRS, The Official Journal of the American Society of Plastic Surgery, and Shows How Crucial the ’ Combination of Breast Reconstruction and Physiotherapy is in Avoiding Damage and Pain.

Professor Benedetto Longo

Professor Benedetto Longo, A Plastic Surgeon at the Polyclinic Tor Vergata in Rome, Who specializes in Breast Reconstruction and Has Always Been An Advocate of Autologous Tenics That Mange to Avoid the ’ Implantation of Implants, Urges Women To Reconstruct prefer the ’ Going Flat ’ Option (Women Who After Mastectomy Choose to Stay Flat Like Men) That is Advancing More and More in The United States, Also for Economic Issues. “ I Advise Women Not to Recondstruct: So Many Studies-Explained the Plastic Surgeon to Dire-Show That Reconstruction Gives The Body the right trim. In fact, reconstructing the breast avoids postural unwarming resulting from the ’ ABSENCE of one or Both Breasts and This Can Give Problems to the back, thorns, and, as This Study Shows, Physiotherapy After Reconstruction is protective for the Rotator Cuff of the Shoulder and for the Movements of the Upper Limb ” Which can have functional problem over time.

And also on this aspect Related to the type of reConstruction, Professor Longo Pointed Out, As Revealed in His Study Just Accepted by PRS, The American Journal of Plastic Surgery, How “ A Totally Autologous Reconduction Procedure (with Dorsal Gran and Fat ) is decisive in Correcting Problems Resulting from Radiation Therapy in Patient Recasestructed with prostheses. “ UNFORTUNATELY-EXPLAINED THE PLASTIC SURGEON-RADIOTHERAPY REDUCES TOLEANCE TO THE BREAST IMPLAT PREDISPOSING TO PROBLEMS SUCH AS CAPSULAR CONTRACTURE, IMPLAT DISLOCATION, AND CHEST PAIN. In The Case of Radiation Therapy, it is best to use one &#8221S Own Tissue to Recontruct the Sinus;.

The Knowledge Gained from This Latest Study

The Knowledge Gained From This Latest Study On Reconstruction and Movements Cound Prevent Future Injuries Such As Rotator Cuff Rupture, But Also Improve Long-Term Quality of Life, Espencially for Women Whose Work Requere Performing Arming Armying The Head. “ Physiotherapy After Reconstruction Has a positive impact on joint function, posture and moovement, “Longo Reitated,” and Those Who do not reconstruct and not undergo physiotherapy rehability are more exposed to problem and at risk of return ;.

I know it. It Needs a rehabilitation plan and that it is done under the supervision of Health Care Professionals, I know that in Breast Units Today there are professional figures of physiastrist and physiotherapist ” : “ IF indicated, Always Reconstruct Your Breasts After Cancer ”.